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Selasa, 02 Juli 2013



Rosyid1), Budi Jatmiko2), Z.A. Imam Supardi3)

1Postgraduate Program of Science Education Surabaya State University, 2Lecturer of Postgraduate Program of Science Education of Surabaya State University, 3 Lecturer of Postgraduate Program of Science Education Surabaya State University


Kajian ini fokus pada pembelajaran untuk pencapaian pemahaman konsep, pemahaman konsep dalam pembelajaran fisika Mekanika, Tes pemahaman konsep dalam pembelajaran fisika mekanika, dan keterampilan berpikir kritis fisika di SMA yang menjadi instrumen penting dalam pembelajaran fisika. Bahan kajian diperoleh dari Jurnal, buku, dan hasil-hasil penelitian yang relevan. Hal terpenting bahwa mengajarkan pemahaman konsep dan keterampilan berpikir kritis harus dilakukan pada pendidikan di semua tingkat sekolah dasar sampai SMA sebagai jembatan ke perguruan tinggi. Pembelajaran untuk pemahaman harus memperhatikan pengetahuan awal peserta didik (Dochi, 1996) dan memanfaatkan potensi lingkungan sebagai sumber balajar. Implikasinya adalah perlu optimalisasi proses pembelajararan melalui pemilihan metode pembelajaran yang berorientasi pada berbagai variasi cara penyampaian pesan, substansi kurikulum yang kontekstual dan perumusan tujuan pembelajaran yang diarahkan pada pencapaian pemahaman secara mendalam (deep understanding). Memahami konsep meliputi memahami objek dan peristiwa, serta prinsip/teori dan aturan. Kedua komponen fisika tersebut harus dipahami secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Selama ini Tes Pemahaman konsep dalam bidang mekanika yang paling dikenal adalah tes Force Concept Inventory (FCI) dan Test of Understanding Graphs Kinematics (TUG-K). FCI dan TGU-K  paling luas digunakan sebagai tes diagnostik dalam bidang mekanika. FCI dikembangkan dalam rangka mengetahui ide-ide alternatif siswa yang fokus pada ide-ide esensial mekanika Newton (Maloney et al., 2001). Tetapi pembelajaran harus dilakukan bukan hanya mengarah pada pencapaian pemahaman tetapi juga peningkatan keterampilan berpikir kritis. Keterampilan berpikir dapat didefinisikan sebagai proses kognitif yang dipecah-pecah ke dalam langkah-langkah nyata yang kemudian digunakan sebagai pedoman berpikir.

Kata Kunci: Pemahaman konsep, keterampilan berpikir kritis, pembelajaran fisika mekanika

Jumat, 28 Juni 2013

Studi Awal Pemahaman Konsep Mekanika dan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Siswa SMA di Kabupaten Jember

Studi Awal Pemahaman Konsep Mekanika dan keterampilan berpikir
 kritis siswa SMA di Kabupaten Jember

A Preliminary Study of Conceptual Understanding of Mechanics and Critical Thinking Skill of Senior High School students in Jember Regency

Rosyid1, Budi Jatmiko2, ZA. Imam Supardi3

1Postgraduate Program of Science Education Surabaya State University, 2Lecturer of Postgraduate Program of Science Education of Surabaya State University, 3 Postgraduate Program of Science Education Surabaya State University


Conceptual understanding and critical thinking skill are the gates to success in learning mechanics at school. Conceptual understanding of mechanics should cover several representation abilities; that is, verbal, charts, images, and mathematical. The fact that exists is that learning success is measured only by how students can work on the problems that focus on mathematical calculation. Various representations enable teachers to explore the students’ capabilities. The objectives of this research were (1) to identify the method that teachers used in the teaching of mechanics at school, (2) to determine senior high school students’ conceptual understanding of mechanics, (3) to analyze the critical thinking skill of senior high school students, (4) to determine the ability of students’ multi-representation, (5) to determine the response of senior high school students toward the initial condition of mechanics learning, and (6) to determine the main books used references in the teaching of mechanics at senior high schools in Jember. The research was conducted at several state senior high schools in Jember Regency. The research applied questionnaires and tests. Questionnaires were used to identify the methods, teacher references and student responses to mechanics teaching. Meanwhile, the tests were used to determine conceptual understanding (Force Concept Inventory) and the critical thinking skill (tests adapted from Ennis), and tests to determine the ability of students’ multi-representation. The research results showed that the methods used by teachers were lecturing, discussion, Question-Answer (range 58% -90%), the conceptual understanding of mechanics was low (54.35-68.30) far below Minimum Achievement (KKM) of 75.00, students’ critical thinking skill was categorized low, the ability of multi-representation ranged 50% -60%, the students did not know that the mechanic-physics teaching materials that were studied used representation formats of Verbal, Mathematics, Images, and Charts (85%), and almost 100% of teachers used only one book source (reference) in teaching physics. It is necessary to conduct further research on the use of teaching models that can improve conceptual understanding and critical thinking skill of high school students in Jember.

Keywords: Critical Thinking Skills, Conceptual Understanding of Mechanics